Same as it ever was
Still won't work
The price is right
We'll make it up in volume
Participation has it's own rewards
Good time to start a valet parking business
The tautology of Ernest Hooper
Noise on noise
Law and Order SVU Brandon Edition
Good to be white
Top ten of the week
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Weekend Update
Various and sundry you might have missed for the week that was across Tampa Bay and a little beyond.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Bankrupt in 2022 - PSTA Seeking Taxpayer Bailout in 2020
Pinellas Suncoast Transit Agency (PSTA) is going bankrupt. Instead of fixing their fiscal crisis, they are seeking bailouts and new revenue sources. PSTA wants another transit tax referendum on the 2020 ballot because they are insolvent in 2022.