
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It's Decision Time on ObamaCare - DeMint and Heritage Comes to Tampa

Former Senator Jim DeMint is a soft spoken Southern gentleman but when he speaks you listen intently....I first met the Senator right before the 9/12/2009 Taxpayer March on DC – you know that march where over a million Americans attended but the mainstream refused to report about. A group of us from Florida were walking the halls of Congress the day before the march and lo and behold Senator DeMint was in his office. He invited us all in to chat and get a picture with him.  Senator DeMint then proceeded to tell us how Proud he was to stand with us. We, of course, were grateful and thanked him for his unrelenting work and efforts to stop ObamaCare back then.

So we looked forward to the Heritage Action event last week where Senator DeMint, now Chairman of Heritage Foundation, spoke to a packed house of over 700. The Eye was there and the room was energized with all who spoke. 

We were fortunate to attend the Press Conference prior to the event with Senator DeMint, Michael Needham, CEO of Heritage Action and Chris Jacobs, Heritage healthcare policy analyst.  

We found it curious those in the media who are “so interested” in Senator Rubio's position supporting defunding ObamaCare.  But the same media is "never interested" in asking Senator Nelson, who voted for ObamaCare in 2010, what he thinks about it now.  Why does the Senator who voted for the train wreck get a pass?  We won't hold our breath wondering. A couple key points we will emphasize came at the end of the Press Conference as DeMint basically said 
A government shutdown is a misnomer - it is a slowdown, essential services continue to get funded but the damage from a slowdown is so much less than the damage from implementing this bill. 
And remember Don't Blink!

We were able to get a couple of interviews before the event.  And while I am still getting the hang of this interview stuff, Tim Curtis, Chairman of the Tampa912, gave us his insights.

So ObamaCare is not ready for primetime, waivers and exemptions have been given to certain groups, including Congress and not to others, like you and me.  It appears to be an IT nightmare that includes issues with securing the personal data being entered, the inability to verify eligibility and so many missed deadlines.  With Tampa practically an epicenter for identity fraud, we have to wonder how comfortable you would feel entering your tax and personal information into the ObamaCare system?  As Tim tells us, there are free market solutions that will fix this mess but we first must get rid of ObamaCare.  

We then caught up with the Florida Regional Coordinator for Heritage Action, Karen Jaroch, who helped plan this event. She explains the purpose of the event and has a great message  for how ObamaCare can be defunded while the rest of the government continues to be funded.

The purpose of this Heritage Action event? As Karen said, we are in the August recess when our Congressional Representatives and Senators should be home holding Townhall meetings to hear from their constituents.  Unfortunately too many of them no longer hold any Townhalls so this event offered an alternative opportunity to be heard.  

The main event included comments from Senator DeMint and Heritage Action CEO Michael Needham and a Q & A with both of them answering questions selected from the audience. A true joy at the end was Rafael Cruz, Senator Ted Cruz's father, who escaped Cuba and came to America. Rafael personally knows what it is to have his freedoms and liberties immediately taken away.  But he says in the United States those liberties and freedoms are slowly being eroded away like a frog in a pot on the stove, with the heat slowly increasing until unwittingly boiled dead.

As Senator DeMint said
It's decision time.  Since when did Americans not fight for what they believe in because they were afraid they would lose?
And Michael Needman added this when questioned about the Obama and the Democrats successful social media strategies.
We don't just have a tech problem.  We need to have a soul, we need to lead, we need to inspire. Take responsibility within your sphere of influence - on social media, going door to door, talking to friends and talking over the dinner table.
From the soft spoken Southern gentleman DeMint to the energetic fervor of Rafael Cruz, there was a buzz and sense of urgency ignited in the room. We were reminded that We the People do have the power but that we must exercise it. The clock is ticking on ObamaCare and we were told the urgency is now for empowered Americans to lead and take the following action.  
Contact your Congressional Representative and request they sign Rep. Meadows letter to Defund ObamaCare. 
Sign the Don't Fund It Petition and let's get at least a million signatures.
We hope you enjoy our videos of this event, will stop back and watch them again from time to time and that you will share them with others "within your sphere of influence".  

1 comment:

  1. I am new at this game of politics and to the Tea Party in particular. However, from my point of view, it would be a better argument not to fund Obama Care based on the need to hold the line on borrowing and reduce government expenses. There is greater public support for these two issues than for the argument that Obama Care should not be funded because it's a bad law.
