Monday, September 16, 2024

Voter Registration Changes in Key States May Indicate Voter Sentiment Is Against the Status Quo Incumbent Kamala

There are notable changes in Voter Registration statistics in key States where voters register by political party since 2020 to now. 

From State's online voter registration statistics:
# of Registered Democrats have decreased by 143,067
# of Registered Republicans have increased by 141,346
# of Registered NPA/Others have increased by 121,113
Gap between D's and R's has decreased from 632,202 to 347,789

Friday, August 16, 2024

“Machine” Dumps $50K More Into Their Candidate Who Was A Firefighter Union Leader When Hillsborough Firefighters Got Caught Hiring Outlaws Gang Members

"Machine" wash, rinse, profit, repeat

The SimWinsTwins Pedicini and Piccolo laundry "Machine" circle of money goes round and round. 

The "Machine" has dumped $50K more into their Machine candidate Chris Boles PAC "Rescue Hillsborough". 

As we posted here, The "Machine" forced a challenger into the Hillsborough County District 6 county commission race to run against the true conservative Republican Dr. Jim Davison.

Did the SimWins Twins vet their candidate? Did they know their chosen one was a leader of the Hillsborough firefighter’s union when the firefighters hired Outlaws gang members to be County firefighters?

Friday, August 9, 2024

Primary Election Time! Take Note of the SimWins Twins and Their Laundry "Machine Candidates"

The Primary election is upon us with early voting and the election on August 20th. Primary elections are where you the voter have the opportunity to elect "your" best candidate to proceed on to the General Election. 

However, the "Machine" believes "they" get to select candidates in the Primary election not you. The Machine wants power, control and influence. They use lots of circular money to do it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Priority of Hillsborough County Commission Candidate Dr. Jim Davison: the County Budget

Dr. Jim Davison 

The Eye interviewed Republican Dr. Jim Davison who is running for the Hillsborough County Commission District 6 seat. District 6 is a countywide open race being vacated by Democrat Pat Kemp who is term limited this year.

Dr. Davison, an ER doctor, explains to the Eye why he is running and that his focus will be on the County budget. Hillsborough County's budget has ballooned to over $10 BILLION - double digit Billions for the first time - for FY25.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Merging Will Not Fix the Woe's of the Tampa Bay MPO's, It Will Create Bigger Problems and the Largest MPO Pushing DEI Ideology

The Florida State legislature passed SB425 last year requiring the MPO's serving Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco explore how they may merge.

MPO's are federally mandated transportation planning organizations where all state and federal transportation project funding must be approved. They are governed by both Federal law and State statutes. 

Yes, the State legislature needs to step in and reign in out of control MPO's, especially Hillsborough and Pinellas County's MPO's. 

But merging the three MPO's is a nightmare not a solution.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Forward Pinellas MPO/PSTA Road Diets: Deception, Arrogance and Non-Compliance

Governor DeSantis and the state legislature is funding much needed new road capacity to fast growing Florida. DeSantis publicly stated last month there will be no more ideologically driven lane eliminations in Florida. 

However, Forward Pinellas (FP) MPO is not complying and is continuing to impose road diets in Pinellas County for bus lanes.  

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Hillsborough County Wants to Put Sales Tax Referendum On the November Ballot But What About the Voters?

Hillsborough County commissioners held a Workshop on February 14th to discuss to plan placing another One-Half Percent (NOT One-Half Cent) Community Investment Tax (CIT) aka the Stadium tax on the November ballot. 

The Stadium/CIT sales tax is a local sales tax that can be used to fund capital infrastructure projects.

The current 30 year Stadium/CIT sales tax expires in December 2026. The County should have been publicly discussing their referendum intent for November 2024 long before February 14th 2024. They did not. Why?

Sunday, January 21, 2024

PSTA Needs a Housecleaning! Rep. Linda Chaney's PSTA Local Bill HB1487 Is A "START"

PSTA CEO Brad Miller misused Federal funds
Why is he still at PSTA?

PSTA needs an internal housekeeping.

State Rep. Linda Chaney;s PSTA local bill HB1487 is a start. The bill was approved by the Pinellas County local delegation on November 29, 2023. 

Chaney's bill is a first step to bring better governance, more transparency and accountability to the mismanaged transit agency. The bill also begins to address the flawed process PSTA uses to ram road diets thru without proper public engagement, without public support and with little accountability.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

2024: Beware of David Plouffe, CTCL ZuckBucks 2.0 and Hillsborough County SOE Craig Latimer

David Plouffe 

It has been reported Obama met with Joe Biden to raise concerns about Biden's campaign. Obama would like David Plouffe, his 2008 campaign manger and Senior White House Advisor to lead Biden's campaign. 

Surprise! Plouffe has ideological cohorts embedded inside all corporate media entities, specifically the Democrats DNC Media allies the WaPo and NY Times.